This book may take you into uncharted territory
In this fun groundbreaking book Sharkie Zartman uses stories and shark behaviors to enpower us toward our dreams. She examines an innate force we all possess that is simple, raw, unrefined and powerful. She has labeled it our Shark Sense.
Get ready to connect with your inner
shark and watch your life change!
What are you waiting for?
Dive In!
Now Available at
Bobbi McKenna, Publisher and Author
“In this insightful book, Sharkie shares tips that will make you a champion at
whatever you do, and she does it by telling rollicking good stories that will leave you laughing for days.”
Alex “the Sharkman” Buttigieg World Organization
“At the moment I have such a huge smile on my face because I have just read ”Shark Sense” and am amazed at how Sharkie has managed to combine shark and human attributes and hit home with such accuracy.”
John Kessel, USA Volleyball Director
“They say sports are mostly mental and they are right. Sharkie’s principles and ideas help anyone seeking a better life in this important are of improvement__one’s mental game.”