Look For The Good and You Will Find It
I love this quote and think it is a good reminder as to how to approach our days. Too often, we tend to focus on what is wrong with our day instead of what is good. I don’t know about you, but I want to stay away from people who are the whiners and complainers. They totally drain me of my energy. I no longer ask them”How are you?” When I used to do that, I would get a litany of how terrible their lives were, and would feel terrible after talking to them. Instead, now, I ask these people, “What’s new and good?” It’s almost like throwing a wrench into their negative brains. So, just for today, I will look at the good things in my life and notice. There is so much we have to be thankful for, and take for granted. Imagine if we did this everyday, how much happier we would be. So, just for today, notice the good and see if you can go a whole day without complaining. I promise, at the end of the day, you will feel better and if it became a habit, you would change your life and health for the better.